The Quidditas Factor

Overcoming Bureaucracy and Generating Legal Innovations With Marc Jacobson

Michael J. Arbouet Season 3 Episode 5

Marc Jacobson has significant experience in the entertainment and Internet industries. He currently advises many clients on the business and intellectual property issues faced by entertainment businesses in the digital age. This includes matters relating to the creation, development and exploitation of intellectual property rights in internet-based content as well as film, television, video, music and theatrical properties. Marc also advises companies on business and financing strategies in connection with such properties.

As a result of Marc’s broad business and legal background, he is an advisor to a diverse group of individuals and companies in connection with production, licensing, financing, recording, distributing, publishing, joint venture, personal service and related contracts. He handles the purchase and sale of music publishing catalogs and the financing, production, and distribution of filmed entertainment.

Marc is also well known for his experience with regard to the approval and disaffirmance of minors’ contracts. Additionally, as the former General Counsel, Chief Financial Officer and SVP of Public Policy for a major online service, Marc was a principal draftsman of the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act. He is also the founding Chairman of the New York State Bar Association Section on Entertainment, Arts and Sports Law.

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